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Čo je plsť v trávniku

Plsť je vrstva tesne prepletených mŕtvych a živých častí vytvárajúca sa medzi zelenou vegetáciou a povrchom pôdy. Jej tvorba je nevyhnutná, ale zároveň je i veľkým problémom, s ktorým musíme pri údržbe trávnika bojovať.

"Plsť je vrstva tesne prepletených mŕtvych a živých častí rastlín (koreňov, výhonkov, stebiel, stvolov, listového tkaniva atď.), ktorá sa vytvára medzi zelenou vegetáciou a povrchom pôdy." (Dr. Martin Ferguson)

Plsť možno charakterizovať aj ako surový materiál nerozloženej organickej hmoty na povrchu  pôdy. Plsť tvoria predovšetkým steblá, korene a rhizómy rastlín, ktoré majú vysoký obsah lignínu, vďaka ktorému odolávajú rozkladu; kúsky listov sa podieľajú na tvorbe plsti veľmi málo.

Tvorba plsti má svoje výhody i nevýhody.


  • zlepšuje hrateľnosť
  • chráni rastové vrcholy tráv
  • vracia časť živín do pôdy
  • prospešná vrstva plsti je do 13 mm


  • „uzamkne“ koreňovú zónu – redukcia výmeny vzduchu a znížená infiltrácia vody
  • bráni prenikaniu živín ku koreňovému systému
  • zadržiava vodu – zdroj pre patogénny
  • nedostatočné klíčenie semien
  • obmedzuje tvorbu nových odnoží
  • neschopnosť vyrovnať sa so suchom a vysokými teplotami, príliš suchý porast
  • zvýšená chorobnosť a problémy s hmyzom
  • mäkké pórovité a vlhké plochy
  • plytký koreňový systém

Podmienky, za ktorých sa tvorí trávniková plsť:

  • ponechané ústrižky pokosenej trávy
  • intenzívne hnojenie dusíkom
  • vysoký kosienok pri trávach s nadzemnými výbežkami
  • kyslé pH
  • sucho
  • trávy s vysokým podielom sklerenchymatických pletív

Kedy je plsti príliš veľa?

Vrstva plsti do 13 mm môže byť veľmi prospešná, pretože zvyšuje odolnosť trávnika voči opotrebeniu a izoluje pôdu pred extrémnymi teplotami vzduchu. Ako náhle je však táto vrstva hrubšia, nevýhody vysoko prevážia výhody. Čím je vrstva hrubšia, tým sú problémy väčšie.

Tvorba plsti je nevyhnutná a je nepochybne jedným z najväčších problémov, s ktorými sa stretávame na golfových a športových ihriskách po celom svete. K nadmernej akumulácii plsti prispievajú viaceré faktory, predovšetkým rozličné druhy tráv, podnebie, kyslé prostredie, nedostatočné prevzdušnenie, vysoká hladina dusíka a zaburinenie.

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Mohbad Principle 2
13.10.23 11:15

Mohbad, born Ilerioluwa Olowoju, was a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and performer who rose to stardom in 2021 with his hit single "Komoje." He was known for his unique sound, which blended elements of Afropop, trap, and dancehall. He was also known for his energetic live performances and his positive attitude.

Mohbad was born in Lagos, Nigeria, on June 14, 1994. He grew up in a musical family, and his father was a gospel singer. [url=""]Mohbad started singing at a young age[/url], and he performed in his church choir. He also started writing his own songs when he was a teenager.

In 2016, Mohbad moved to the United States to pursue his music career. He released his first single, [b]"Overdose,"[/b] in 2017. He also released several other singles and albums in the following years, but he did not achieve mainstream success until 2021.

In 2021, Mohbad signed a record deal with[url=""] Marlian M[/url]usic, a record label owned by Nigerian singer Naira Marley. He released his hit single "Komoje" in 2021, and the song quickly became a hit in Nigeria and other African countries. The song was also popular in the United States and Europe.

Mohbad's success with "Komoje" led to him being featured on other popular songs, such as Feel Good[ by Naira Marley and "Monalisa" by Lyta. He also released his own music, including the singles "Ronaldo" and "Balance."

Mohbad's unique sound and energetic live performances made him a fan favorite. He was also known for his positive attitude and his message of hope and inspiration. He was a role model for many young people, and he inspired them to pursue their dreams.

Sadly, [url=""]Mohbad passed away on September 12, 2023[/url], at the age of 27. His death was a shock to the Nigerian music industry and to his fans around the world. He was a rising star with a bright future ahead of him, and his loss will be felt deeply.

Mohbad's legacy will live on through his music. His songs will continue to inspire and entertain people all over the world. He will also be remembered for his positive attitude and his impact on Nigerian youth.

In addition to his musical accomplishments, Mohbad was also a passionate advocate for social justice. He spoke out against police brutality and corruption in Nigeria, and he used his platform to raise awareness of important issues. He was a true voice for the people, and his legacy will continue to inspire others to speak out for what they believe in.

Mohbad was a talented artist, a role model, and a voice for the people. He will be deeply missed by his fans and loved ones around the world.

Mohbad Principle
13.10.23 11:12

Mohbad, born Ilerioluwa Olowoju, was a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and performer who rose to stardom in 2021 with his hit single "Komoje." He was known for his unique sound, which blended elements of Afropop, trap, and dancehall. He was also known for his energetic live performances and his positive attitude.

Mohbad was born in Lagos, Nigeria, on June 14, 1994. He grew up in a musical family, and his father was a gospel singer. [url=""]Mohbad started singing at a young age[/url], and he performed in his church choir. He also started writing his own songs when he was a teenager.

In 2016, Mohbad moved to the United States to pursue his music career. He released his first single, [b]"Overdose,"[/b] in 2017. He also released several other singles and albums in the following years, but he did not achieve mainstream success until 2021.

In 2021, Mohbad signed a record deal with[url=""] Marlian M[/url]usic, a record label owned by Nigerian singer Naira Marley. He released his hit single "Komoje" in 2021, and the song quickly became a hit in Nigeria and other African countries. The song was also popular in the United States and Europe.

Mohbad's success with "Komoje" led to him being featured on other popular songs, such as [url=""]"Feel Good"[/url] by Naira Marley and "Monalisa" by Lyta. He also released his own music, including the singles "Ronaldo" and "Balance."

Mohbad's unique sound and energetic live performances made him a fan favorite. He was also known for his positive attitude and his message of hope and inspiration. He was a role model for many young people, and he inspired them to pursue their dreams.

Sadly, [url=""]Mohbad passed away on September 12, 2023[/url], at the age of 27. His death was a shock to the Nigerian music industry and to his fans around the world. He was a rising star with a bright future ahead of him, and his loss will be felt deeply.

Mohbad's legacy will live on through his music. His songs will continue to inspire and entertain people all over the world. He will also be remembered for his positive attitude and his impact on Nigerian youth.

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25.09.23 13:17

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