blue whale behavioral adaptations

Research has indicated that these whales may depend on low frequency and high decibel sounds to communicate, find krill swarms, reproduce, and possible navigate. So how did they do it? Blue whales use their tongues to push water out of their mouths through the baleen plates to trap The ventral side of their body is usually pale blue-gray or whitish, however, in whales that forage in cold polar waters it is often a yellowish color due to an accumulation of microscopic diatoms (one-cell algae). Disclosure: I may earn a commission Prairie dog communities have an intricate social structure, with a variety of habits that can be observed from above ground. The slender pointed flippers are short for the body size. Body language may include swimming in a synchronous pattern, slapping their pectoral or tail fins on the surface of the water, or jumping out of the water and landing on their sides, a behavior known as breaching. There are three extant families of seals which are subdivided into 14 genera and 18 species. What are whales adaptation? The tall, straight column, 6-12 m (19.7-39 ft) high and about 6.7-7.6 m (22-25 ft) wide can be seen and heard as far as 6.4 km (4 mi) away. Thankfully, their throats expand to accommodate all that food! Pictures | Whales in general have excellent hearing to detect other whales. Blue whales form short term couples during the mating season. Some whales use sonar to communicate and find food, while others consume small amounts of food daily. 15 : 20190485., Your email address will not be published. The hunting and feeding behaviors of whales are some of the most fascinating in the animal kingdom. Researchers have determined the diet preferences of Californias blue whales by analyzing fecal specimens. The daily diet of juvenile blue whales appears to consist of half of each species, whereas adult blue whales seem to prefer the coastal species, T. spinifera. Blue whale in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Whales are some of the most intelligent and social mammals on Earth. This is an especially important tactic for baleen whales because they rely heavily on acoustic signals for communication because these signals propagate well through their aquatic environment. (562) 590-3100. Both are 15-25 mm (0.6-0.8 in) long. Max perutz. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Their bellies are lighter than their backs and have a yellow tinge from the food they eat, earning them the nickname sulfur bottom.. Does Berkekey accept transcripts with a W on it. The krill aggregate, move, and disperse from area to area and how these whales know where the swarms of krill are and when is still unknown. There is no variation among individuals within a population, the sounds of all sounding like the same note repeated over and over; however, nine variations have been described for nine populations around the world. These whales are 24-30 m (78-100 ft) long and weigh 72,000-136,000 kg (160,000-300,000 lbs). They give birth to live young that stay with the mother for Parks SE, Cusano DA, Van Parijs SM, Nowacek DP. Credit: Mike Johnson. The biology of the blue whale has long fascinated physiologists because of the animals extreme size. They have a number of adaptations that enable them to live This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The lifespan of these whales is estimated to be 40-80 years of age. Whales however can live at the same Whales tail slapping is a behavior that can be seen in many different types of whales. At times they also frequent coastal and near island areas. When submerged underwater, their diving reflex allows them to distribute oxygen and blood to vital organs while restricting it in other non-essential areas. Larger red blood cells allow whales to transfer oxygen more effectively than humans and other land mammals. and fascinating animals? The blue whale is an extremely large marine mammal, with a long, torpedo-shaped body. blue (with a little gray mixed in). Their baleen consists of 260 to 400 black, coarse, broad, overlapping plates hanging from each side of the upper jaw. Their dorsal fins are quite small for their body size and their pectoral flippers are long and thin. cats, elephants and anguantibos amongst others.